Wow. It's amazing how a little dabble into the real world has rings emanating out and back again. After effectively retreating from the world for three years while focussing wholeheartedly on motherhood, then becoming overwhelmed by a desperate need to reconnect with myself, I'm appreciating elements of 'normal' life in a whole new way.
I've undertaken a path of coaching to guide me through this process of change and transition. I've been reassured that there isn't a mother out there who doesn't feel she's lost herself in some way. The question is - who do we hope to find? Perhaps the answer is to put hope aside and just look and see who pops up. By drilling down to our core values, skills, true desires, we could be surprised by who we've slyly turned into.
My husband suggested I network furiously in the hopes of securing a good acting job - though it's something I have wanted, it's not for me now. Dashing out at the crack of dawn to get to hair and make-up, the prospect of long hours, during which someone else does all the caring for my two young children - it just doesn't appeal at this moment in my life.
As mothers we lose ourselves, and many of us are filled with a huge need to find ourselves again. But being open to the fact that we have changed and that the destination may be a surprise, or even a shock, is as important as embarking on the journey.
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